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About us

In the following, you can get to know the services and members of the Diet Secretarial team

The first comprehensive nutrition computer program in the world

Choosing a meal plan required long calculations, and in order to prepare a suitable plan for each client, I had to do very difficult calculations that took a long time. Also, after losing weight, I had to make changes in the food plan. To solve this problem and make the work easier, I used the computer to select the program and change it, but because a special mathematical formula was not available for this program, it took a lot of time.

20 kg weight loss or gain in four months

Choosing a meal plan required long calculations, and in order to prepare a suitable plan for each client, I had to do very difficult calculations that took a long time. Also, after losing weight, I had to make changes in the food plan. To solve this problem and make the work easier, I used the computer to select the program and its changes, but because a special mathematical formula was not available for this program, it took a lot of time. 2.

?What is the support of your diet

Choosing a meal plan required long calculations, and in order to prepare a suitable plan for each client, I had to do very difficult calculations that took a long time. Also, after losing weight, I had to make changes in the food plan. To solve this problem and make the work easier, I used the computer to select the program and its changes, but because a special mathematical formula was not available for this program, it took a lot of time. 3.

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